Voptech T1 gateway connects with 3CX server
This document will describe how to connect the 3CX server and the voptech T1
How to renewal 3CX SSL with PFX format
We have previously written articles describing how to renew 3CX's SSL certificate: Linux:https://3x.58voip.com/3cx-v15-v16-renewing-ssl-certificate-linux-server/ Windows:https://3x.58voip.com/3cx-v15-renewing-ssl-certificate/
Notes on 3CX IP Based SIP trunk
3CX SIP Trunk Authentication Types Before talking about the precautions, let's first understand the
Fix missing calendars in Microsoft Teams
Background Users who use Teams often need to use the calendar to create meetings
cannot dial the FXO number from outside
Problem Description: We have a customer who encountered this problem: after we connected 3CX
3CX Webclient security
For users using the 3CX web client or desktop app, if the firewall on